PBMCs from CLL individuals had a significantly higher level of sensitivity in comparison to healthy donors (median ED50 ideals: 6

PBMCs from CLL individuals had a significantly higher level of sensitivity in comparison to healthy donors (median ED50 ideals: 6.2 M and 36.4 M respectively, Fig 1B). live/apoptotic cells in Ann/IP pipes. Apoptotic and Live cells locate in various regions in FSC/SSC plots. Plots display two good examples in 24h Continue Reading

PBMCs from CLL individuals had a significantly higher level of sensitivity in comparison to healthy donors (median ED50 ideals: 6

PBMCs from CLL individuals had a significantly higher level of sensitivity in comparison to healthy donors (median ED50 ideals: 6.2 M and 36.4 M respectively, Fig 1B). live/apoptotic cells in Ann/IP pipes. Apoptotic and Live cells locate in various regions in FSC/SSC plots. Plots display two good examples in 24h Continue Reading