We also observed differences by professional category, with positive results among 30

We also observed differences by professional category, with positive results among 30.8% of the doctors, 11.1% of the nurses, 30.2% of the nursing auxiliary staff, 23.1% of the administrative staff and 41.7% of the orderlies ( em p /em ?=?0.01). A positive serology was recorded among 31.4% of the women vs. serology was the Emergency Department (36.6%), while the professional category in which most individuals with a positive serology worked was that Gpr20 of the orderlies (41.7%). Conclusion Around 25% of healthcare workers in our hospital experienced positive serology before the peak of the pandemic, none of them experienced received vaccine for Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 or had been diagnosed of influenza previously. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Influenza A computer virus, H1N1 subtype, Health staff, Haemagglutination, Inhibition assessments, Spain Resumen Introduccin nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la proporcin de trabajadores sanitarios con una serologa positivo para Influenza A(H1N1)2009 sin haber tenido sndrome gripal, en un hospital espa?ol al comienzo de la pandemia. Mtodos estudio observacional desarrollado durante Agosto de 2009 (antes del pico de la pandemia en Espa?a) en el Hospital Costa del Sol, un hospital de Segundo nivel de cerca de 300 camas en el Sur de Espa?a. Los participantes eran trabajadores de las siguientes unidades del hospital: Urgencias, rea Mdica (Medicina Interna, Neumologa), rea Quirrgica (Ciruga General y Anestesia) de cualquier categora profesional. Estudiamos la proporcin de trabajadores sanitarios con serologa positiva para el computer virus Influenza A (H1N1)2009, determinada por tcnica de Inhibicin de la Inmunohemaglutinacin (1/40). Los trabajadores completaron un cuestionario de salud a la par que se les extraa una muestra de sangre para la serologa. Resultados participaron un total de 239 trabajadores, de los que un 25.1% presentaron serologa positiva. El area del hospital con mayor porcentaje de individuos con serologa positivo fue Urgencias (36.6%), mientras que la categora profesional con mayor nmero de individuos positivos fueron los celadores (41.7%). Conclusion en torno a un 25% de los trabajadores sanitarios de nuestro hospital presentaron serologa positivo antes del pico de la pandemia, sin que ninguno de ellos hubiera recibido la vacuna frente al computer virus Influenza A (H1N1)2009 o hubieran sido diagnosticados de gripe previamente. strong class=”kwd-title” Palabras clave: Computer virus influenza A, Subtipo H1N1, Personal Sanitario, test de inhibicin de la hemaglutinacin, Espa?a Introduction In April 2009, the first cases Ibutamoren mesylate (MK-677) among humans of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 computer virus were confirmed in Mexico and the USA,1, 2, 3 and in June 2009, a pandemic situation was declared by the World Health Organisation. From your outset, cases Ibutamoren mesylate (MK-677) of nosocomial transmission were confirmed, affecting healthcare staff.4 Moreover, previous experience with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in SE Asia5, 6 led experts to believe that healthcare workers would be particularly vulnerable to the appearance of this new computer virus. However, the first series to be published did not show healthcare workers to be over-represented in the incidence of symptomatic cases.4 It is hypothesised that as a result of their greater exposure to the computer virus at work, they acquire higher immunity than that present in the general population. To date, few studies have been made of seroprevalence among healthcare workers,7, 8 and the results reported have been contradictory. In the present study, we propose to determine the seroprevalence of antibodies to the influenza A computer virus of the 2009 2009 pandemic among a populace of healthcare workers. It is hypothesised that exposure to the computer virus Ibutamoren mesylate (MK-677) varies according to the areas of work within the hospital and according to the professional category of the worker, following a gradient of greater to lesser exposure depending on the area of hospital in question (Emergencies? ?Medical Area? ?Surgical Area). Material and methods Study population and time horizon This transversal study was carried out at Hospital Costa del Sol in Marbella (Spain). The hospital has around 350 beds and serves a reference populace of 372,964 persons, according to data from your Spanish National Statistical Institute on January 1, 2009. Participation in the study was proposed at discussions with permanent staff in of Emergency, Internal Medicine and Pneumology departments (medical area) and General Surgery and Anaesthesia (surgical area). Further collaboration was provided by the emergency staff at the High Resolution Specialist Centre (HARE) associated with the hospital. At this latter centre, emergency cases are attended and short-term beds (not exceeding 72?h) are available. According to their professional category, the participating personnel were divided into doctors, nurses, nursing auxiliary staff, orderlies and administrative staff. The participants gave their written signed consent and completed a questionnaire around the presence or otherwise of influenza-related symptoms, and comorbidities associated with a poor prognosis of influenza A.9 Also included were questions around the subject’s state of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccination, any cases of.

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